5 Food Truck Videos That Every Mobile Kitchen Owner Needs To Watch

Whether you are thinking about joining the food truck industry or are already living out that dream, you can never push off advice when it comes to said food truck industry.

After all, being a food truck owner is tough (really, really tough!). Not only will you be working more than you have ever worked in your entire life (unless you have started up a business in the past) but you will also have to do a lot of learning on the job. You see, to succeed in this industry, you have to be so much more than just a chef. You also have to be business savvy … and that’s just the beginning.

In hopes of helping mobile kitchen owners during the food truck journey, we are about to unleash five videos that every mobile kitchen owner has to watch. Check them out below!

5 Food Truck Videos That Every Mobile Kitchen Owner Needs To Watch

How To Retain Customers In The Food Truck Industry

“In the food truck industry, there are so many things that owners have to worry about. However, the one thing that said owners have to always keep in mind is the customers.”

“After all, without customers, who would buy the delicious foods that mobile catering trucks have to offer? Without sales, a food truck would sink just as fast as it started. That is why we are going to talk about the importance of retaining customers. Just to go into a little more detail, we will explain how to retain more customers in the food truck industry.”

Check out the video here!

What Not To Do When You Are A Food Truck Owner

“While we like to take the positive spin on most of our articles, which involves helpful tips and learning how to grow your food truck, in this article we will look at what not to do when you are a food truck owner.”

“If you are doing any of these things, then you need to shift your mindset immediately by doing the opposite. As most food truck owners already know, this is not an industry for the faint of heart — blood, sweat and tears will go down in the food truck industry.”

“Now, we are not saying people do all of these things. However, from time to time, there are probably an endless amount of food truck owners who get caught doing one of them, and breaking those habits as soon as possible is how you are going to grow your food truck business.”

Check out the video here!

Some Common Reasons Why Food Truck Businesses Fail

“Entering the food truck industry can be a very exciting time, and it can also be considered some people’s dream. With that said, food truck businesses fail all of the time, and there are plenty of reasons why.”

“Are you prepared to enter this industry? Are you more than just a chef? Can you handle the fact that you will be someone’s boss? Do you have an amazing business plan?”

“Nonetheless, here are some reasons why food truck businesses fail.”

Check out the video here!

3 Ways To Grow Your Food Truck Business

Looking for ways to grow your food truck business? Of course you are! Luckily, not only do we have a great video for you but an awesome infographic as well!

Check them out here!

3 Ways To Invest Food Truck Business Profits

“The below infographic illustrates how you can invest your food truck business profits. Having an emergency savings account should be priority number 1.”

Check it out here!

Looking for ways to conquer the summer? If so, then you are in luck, because we have some very helpful information when it comes to the busy season in the food truck industry. The first article is from us while the second article is from our friends over at Prestige Food Trucks.

Spoiler alert: Now is the time to really put your foot on the gas pedal. Summer 2017 is almost among us, food truckers! If your sales aren’t where you want them to be, then make the necessary changes now (whatever they might be), and get ready to crush the busy season.

Summer Advice For Food Truck Owners

“Summer is almost here, food truck owners, and you know what that means! The busy season in the mobile kitchen industry is almost among us. It’s almost time to say hello to an overload of customers, double-digit hours, food/cooking galore and crazy sales.”

“In hopes of getting food truck owners ready for the summer months, we will be dropping a few articles that should do you wonders all summer long. Feel free to read them once, or drop by all summer! Nonetheless, good luck during the busy season, and we hope this advice helps you conquer your goals and dreams.”

“Note: Whether you are new to the food truck industry, have been going at it for years or are thinking about taking the leap in the very near future, these articles can do you wonders.”

Summer Goals That Every Food Truck Owner Should Incorporate

“It might not officially be summer just yet (the first official day of summer 2017 is Tuesday, June 20), but summer is basically in the air, because the temperatures are starting to really heat up and food trucks far and wide are receiving some serious business.”

“In hopes of rocking the summer (also known as the busy season in the mobile kitchen industry), you have to make goals and/or update your 2017 goals. In the spirit of that thinking, we will be unleashing some summer goals that every food truck owner should incorporate during the hottest time of the year.”

Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!

Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.

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