If you are starting up a food truck business and don’t exactly know what you are getting yourself into, don’t panic and pull all your hair out just yet — because here are five things every future food truck owner needs to know.
Heck, even if you have done the food trucking thing for years and could use a nice cold glass of refresher (that’s not really a drink), feel free to follow along and take notes.
5. Branding And Social Media — Learn How To Do Both Very Well
Your brand, or better yet, your food truck’s brand, is arguably one of the most important things. What does your food truck stand for? What do you want it to be known for? The logo, scheme of the truck and all of its appearances in general are crucial.
After all, if you saw your truck parked, would you go over and eat at it? If the answer is yes, then you are on the right track.
Social media comes into play because you can help build your brand on social media. You can also promote your food truck business on social media. After that, you can promote your food truck business some more.
Basically, winning the hearts of fans on social media is the key nowadays — because who doesn’t have a Facebook that they don’t check all of the time?

4. You’re Not Just Serving Food
You are also running a business.
Although many chefs will take the food truck route so they can do what they love — which is cook — said chefs also have to keep in mind that there’s more to a food truck business than just cooking. Of course, if you can cook, you have the art down — and that is very important.
3. Permits And Regulations
Know them, you don’t have to love them … but know them.
2. Just Remember, Being Unique Is A Good Thing
America tends to love hamburgers and hot dogs, but that doesn’t mean you have to go with those two traditional recipes. Sure, people in Chicago love their Chicago Dogs, and fish tacos in Los Angeles (or anywhere for that matter) are to die for, but serve what you want to serve.
If your favorite recipe is out there, but you know it will make tastebuds all over the world happy, then do your thing.
Also, don’t be afraid to spice up your brand. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to be yourself and let yourself show through your brand and food truck business in general.

1. A Good Business Plan Will Save Your Life, And Your Business
If you do anything right, make sure you do this: Make. A. Good. Business. Plan. Because with a solid business plan, no problem will seem too overwhelming, no task too large.
You really, really need to know what you are getting yourself into and how much EVERYTHING will cost before crushing your new food truck business. So do yourself a favor and make the best business plan there ever was.
After that, cook on, and cook well.
Want more food truck advice? Check out more blog posts here!
Thinking about starting a food truck? Request a free custom quote and one of our food truck specialists will help you design the truck of your dreams.
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